crowns and bridges manila

Services Offers

Become the Top Choice for Crowns & Bridges Dental Care. Our Multidisciplinary Approach Ensures Optimal Results

Crowns and Veneers

Transform your smile with our premium crowns and veneers services, ensuring a brighter and more confident you!

Zirconia Fixed Bridge

Experience the durability and aesthetic appeal of our zirconia fixed bridge, restoring your smile with precision and excellence.

Flexible Removable Partial Denture

Discover comfort and flexibility with our removable partial denture, tailored to seamlessly enhance your smile and restore functionality.

how to avail?

Here is the process:



Schedule an appointment with our experienced dental team to discuss your needs and treatment options.



Undergo a thorough examination to determine the best course of action for your dental health.



Receive a personalized treatment plan outlining the procedures required to achieve your desired results.

Have Questions?

Frequently Asked

How long does the process of getting crowns or bridges usually take?

The process typically takes two to three visits. During the first visit, we prepare your teeth and take impressions. Then, we’ll fabricate your custom crowns or bridges in our lab. Finally, we’ll securely bond them to your teeth during the last appointment.

Are crowns and bridges covered by dental insurance?

Coverage varies depending on your insurance plan. We can assist in verifying your benefits and helping you understand your coverage.

What materials are used for crowns and bridges, and which one is best for me?

We use high-quality materials like porcelain, ceramic, or zirconia for crowns and bridges. The best material for you depends on factors like durability, aesthetics, and your budget. Our dentist will recommend the most suitable option during your consultation.

How do I take care of my crowns and bridges after the procedure?

Proper oral hygiene is crucial for maintaining your crowns and bridges. Brush and floss regularly and attend routine dental check-ups. Avoid biting hard objects and follow any additional care instructions provided by our team.

Will getting crowns or bridges affect the sensitivity of my teeth?

While some sensitivity immediately after the procedure is normal, it typically subsides within a few days. If sensitivity persists, contact our clinic for further evaluation.

What are the potential risks or complications associated with crowns and bridges?

Complications with crowns and bridges are rare but can include discomfort, improper fit, or damage to surrounding teeth. Our experienced team takes every precaution to minimize risks and ensure successful outcomes for our patients.

Seeking further information?

Struggling to find the dental solutions you’re looking for? Let’s talk about your concerns and find the right treatment options together